Grasping the Infinite from Nothingness

Sep 10, 2019

A few years ago, while admiring the vastness of the stars and universe during the Perseid meteor shower, I started to think about how humans could ever hope to wrap our minds around something beyond our capacity to calculate. Below, I try to articulate what I managed to grasp...

How can we attempt to comprehend something as infinitely vast as God or the universe with such a narrow perspective that is our minds? If we wish to comprehend, we must first expand our ability to perceive and experience, and the only way to do so is by being completely open and receptive. Completely surrender your sense of self as if you are floating in nothingness. When it comes to something of this magnitude, the very nature of thinking or asking questions narrows your mind as it searches for an answer. For this moment, cease the pursuit of thoughts, and just feel. Feel your internal self, and allow it to open - being completely vulnerable and receptive. From there, broaden your field of perception to...

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Conscious Judgement

Sep 09, 2019

Why do we judge? Should we? When is it appropriate? Is it good or bad?

     Judging is the process of coming to a conclusion based off of the gathered information at hand. We definitely don't want to be too quick to judge but that pertains more to being trigger happy with it before there is sufficient information than it is about the action itself. Had the correct judgement been reached based off of insufficient information, the person who judged is often more fortunate than prophetic.

     On one hand, judging is seen as a useful skill. I would say necessary. Although the ability to judge well may be exemplified, the simple act of doing so can be shunned upon. Being a good judge of character or having the respectable profession of being a judge commands a level of trust and authority granted by it. Yet, depending on the situation, the act of judging can be seen in a negative light. Phrases like, “Who are you to judge," and “Don't...

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Thoughts on Pride

Sep 08, 2019

     My type of pride is honest. A pride in myself, and what I have achieved and overcome. Not a pride based on wanting to feel better than anybody else or by comparing myself to others. I am not afraid to stumble in my attempt to see how far I can rise. I know that the point of finding my limit is to find out at what point I start to fail so I can then try to surpass it. I want to be humbled because I want to know there is more out there. Don't just tell me there are better people out there. Show me so I can learn from them! Great individuals inspire me. It doesn't deter me or make me feel less about myself. I want to know what they've overcome. How they think. How they coped and faced adversity. What drives them? They are great because they worked hard and struggled for it. If they can do it, I can too!

     To become successful, I have to be better than I am currently. I have to continue to grow. To grow means to change for the better. No...

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Official Launch of Creating the LOVE You Deserve Online Course!

Aug 14, 2019

Hi, I’m Cong Nguyen, Founder of Inner Path to Success where we help people on their process of self-discovery and self-development so that they can achieve their own personal success! Have you ever wanted to improve the quality and quantity of the relationships in your life? To have a meaningful relationship with a significant other, stronger bonds with your family, and real connections with friends? How about a better relationship with yourself? I can’t imagine any form of success that does not involve improving the relationships in our life. It is my belief that our capacity to love and understand one another is limited by our ability to love and understand ourselves. Learning this in my own life has been a complete breakthrough as it made me realize just how much of life’s problems and solutions lies within each individual. The more knowledge and skills I gained, the more the world opened before my eyes. I’ve had the opportunity to both teach and treat...

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Knowledge and Mindset

Aug 14, 2019

Have you ever had a limiting belief that it prevented you from taking action and progressing in life? Hi everyone! Cong here at Inner Path to Success and thank you for taking the time to be with me today. It’s great to see many of you again and if this is your very first time seeing me, welcome!Here at Inner Path to Success, I want you all to have a very fulfilling life and to be able to go after your goals and dreams. Perhaps it’s a rewarding career, an incredible relationship, the ability to pursue your passions, explore the world, or spend more time with your loved ones.Whatever it is for you, imagine what that process can look like.To wake up refreshed and excited to start the day with purpose and excitement! To have the time and ability to properly take care of yourself and feel great to be healthy and full of energy. To have loving and supportive relationships with family and friends. Whether you are young or old, single or in a committed relationship, working or...

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Investing in Yourself

Aug 14, 2019

I am truly touched by how many of you have watched my videos and to hear the stories you’ve shared. For those of you who don’t know, my name is Cong, and in the last video I talked about focusing on your goals over your expectations, what differentiates the two, and finding your why behind it all. Now, I want to talk about something different but still relevant to your own success. Have you ever felt like there is never enough time? Where you always had something you needed to do? Or just simply feel overwhelmed by everything? We wish to make the most of our time doing things that matter and not have to waste it doing things that don’t get us anywhere. Imagine what it would look like to prioritize your own self-care in order to be at your best self! How much happier and lively would you be? How much better of a person would you be for others? Certainly much better than the stressed and drained version of you.Today, I’m going to share with you some wisdom that...

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Goals and Expectations

Aug 14, 2019

Have you ever wanted something better in life? Perhaps you feel stuck, just going through the motions, or are wondering what that next level is? Well, my name is Cong from Inner Path to Success, and I have some wisdom I’d like to share with you. True to the name, I will be talking about how YOU can take matters into your own hands and create the SUCCESS you envision. Imagine how much more happy and fulfilled you’ll be to wake up excited and with purpose. During this process, you will learn more about yourself, naturally; and determine what success is for you so we can work towards making that your new reality. For some of you, simply having a better understanding of yourself and knowing who you are can be life-changing in itself. So many of us feel lost and struggle with trying to figure things out. Where we don’t know what makes us who we are, what our passion is, or what we are good at. And this isn’t just a problem that the younger generations face, as...

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My Personal Philosophy

Aug 13, 2019

The inner path is, in my opinion, the only path to true success in our lives. It is within ourselves that our power lies and it is only ourselves that we can truly control.

It was the ancient Taoist philosopher, Lao Tzu, that said, "Mastering other is strength. Mastering yourself is true power."

It is my belief that our capacity to love and understand one another is limited by our ability to love and understand ourselves. The majesty of the universe unravels itself the more we open ourselves up.

Another was the great Sufi poet, Rumi, that wrote, "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

Self-discovery and self-development are my obsession, and it is with this passion that I wish to share the wisdom I've acquired from my own life and from those I've studied.

No longer satisfied with limiting my sphere of influence to the treatment room and other 1-on-1 interactions, I've made a bold decision to start Inner Path to Success as...

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A Life Defining LOVE

Aug 12, 2019

by Cong Thanh Nguyen


So what is LOVE?

We all have plenty of thoughts on the matter, but when asked to explain or define it, we seem to struggle doing so. After much observation and internal reflection, I believe I've finally figured it out!

Why did I bother with such a thing in the first place? Well, as you've probably experienced extensively yourself, most of life's problems stem from a lack of love or an inability to do so well.

From self-love to the relationships between individuals, to even a global scale between countries, ethnic groups, and religions! If we want to change the world for the better, learning how to love ourselves and each other better is a great and logical place to start!


But as you've guessed, before we can learn to love better, it would be a huge mistake on our part to overlook the very concept and ideal we are striving for.

Giving examples of love is easy, as is giving examples of when it's not there.

Many think of it as an emotion that you...

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